Everyday I get asked by sellers and homeowners "When are we going to be out of this?" Well if we use the information below as a guide by 2009 home prices will be finally steady.
The next most common question I here from Sellers is "The spring market is the best market should I wait till then to sell?" The answer to that would be a big "NO!!" If you wait until Spring you could lose an additional 2% more than now!
"WHAT?!?!" you're now screaming.
Let me explain.
We are currently losing value of 0.5 to 1% per month. A recent sale is one that has closed in the last 3 months, better yet the last month. Like I just said it is a sale that has CLOSED. Well that means that the offer to purchase was made 1-2 months prior to the closing. So if we take a sale that closed 1 month ago on an offer that was accepted 2 months prior that is a 3 month period of further depreciation. At 1% per month that is a full 3% of loss. If you price your home at or above the Sale price of that recent sale and your home sits on the market for over 30 days your home has now lost 4% in value.
That is Equity Preservation.
Bankers: Worst is yet to come ( BOSTON ) – The chief economist for the Mortgage Bankers Association is advising members not to expect a recovery in the housing markets until 2009. The MBA’s Doug Duncan says he expects national median home prices to fall between 2 percent and 4 percent next year because of an oversupply of homes from foreclosures. Duncan said California , Texas , Arizona and Nevada would be the hardest-hit states because of speculation by investors, while Ohio , Michigan and Illinois would follow because of job losses. He said he expects mortgage originations to be off 15 percent this year and another 18 percent next year. Reprint from U.S. News.

Bobbie Files
508-238-5000 x.296 Office
508-789-0217 Direct
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